Sunday of Orthodoxy  was a dualy event here at St. Michael's. Infant Demetrius Getzie was Baptized and Church School children participated by processing into the church each carrying an Icon and Blessed by Father John . A Lenten Meal was served following Divine Liturgy through the generosity of Joseph and Marci Getzie.
Steve Getzie abd Matushka Cathy Kowalczyk were the Sponsors.
Annointing the child with Holy Oils.
Father John leading the Sponsors and Demetrius around the Tetropod
Demetrius is carried around the Altar Table by Father John
Marci comes to the Amvon for her son, Demetrius.
Matushka Delores and Mary Ann Dubee with Church School children.
Children carry Icons in Commemoration of Icons being restored in the Churches.
Each child is Blessed.
Newly Chrismated Demetrius Getzie comes to the Chalice for the first time.
Lenten meal served following Divine Liturgy.
Bless the Food and Drink of Thy Servants!